Assigning Leads and Lead Distribution Management on Hot Prospects

October 15, 2020
Mike Smith

Keeping sales staff happy can be a difficult job, especially when some are performing better than others. Features within the Hot Prospect Platform will allow for five different types of lead distribution. Depending on how you are using the various post types on the Hot Prospects Platform, generating leads on your pages is commonly the main goal for creators. When a lead is generated on the site, the data will be stored on the platform and is automatically assigned to a selected employee depending on the setup.

What if you want to make sure all of your employees' are getting an evenly distributed amount of leads? What if you want to reward your top sales people with access to more leads. The Hot Prospects Platform offers additional distribution methods for incoming leads in addition to the manual assignments. Below is a list of the different lead distribution options available on the system out of the box.

Lead Distribution Drop Down

Push Based Distribution – Push based distribution consists of leads being re-assigned to the next employee that has not received a lead through an evenly distributed queue of leads or based on a specific assignment related to high Performance.

Round Robin – Even distribution of leads based on the number of employees. All employees will receive a lead and when the last employee has received their lead, the cycle will start over.

Priority Tier – Performance based Distribution is centered around top performers where more leads will be assigned to the top performers based on the number of leads each employee should receive before starting the cycle over again.

Pull-based Distribution – Pulled based distribution is typically done with a queue of incoming leads and the employee on the platform get to pick and choose from the list.

Lead Queue – Hidden: The hidden queue is where employees are given the opportunity to select a lead from a list where the data is hidden making it impossible to know whether that lead would be better than the next.

Lead Queue – Preview: The preview queue allows employees to view partial information on the lead before selecting it.

Manual Distribution – The default choice allows you assign the incoming lead to specific employee. The employee can then re-distribute the lead or keep it.

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